Os sonhos tiveram origem na
doçaria conventual regional devido ao aumento da produção e comércio da cana-de-açúcar na ilha da Madeira nos séculos XV e XVI. A cana-de-açúcar é colhida na primavera,
as canas são esmagadas e é extraido o açúcar, formando posteriormente, o mel de
cana-de-açúcar que é o "molho/ melaça" que acompanha este doce.
300 g de farinha
50 g de banha (pode ser substituído
com manteiga ou margarina)
7 ovos
2,5 dl de leite
2,5 dl de água
1 casca de limão
sal q.b.
Mel de cana – Madeira (opcional)
ao lume uma panela com água, o leite, a banha (margarina ou manteiga), a casca
de limão e o sal. Deixar ferver durante 1 minuto e retirar do fogo. Adicionar a
farinha pouco a pouco e misturar muito bem. Colocar de novo no fogo e mexer até
a massa descolar do fundo. Deixar arrefecer. Juntar um ovo de cada vez,
amassando bem até obter uma massa fofinha. Numa fritadeira, aquecer bem o óleo
e deitar colheradas de massa. Deixar fritar lentamente os sonhos até alourar.
Escorrer em papel absorvente. Bom apetite!
Mel de cana da Madeira and Sonhos
*Servir com mel-de-cana ou com açúcar e canela.
* Em Itália na bela cidade de Trieste existe uma variedade
de sonhos/ malassadas que se chamam "Fritelle" são pequeninos e têm bocadinhos de maçã, alguns
são recheados com Nutella e outros têm pinhões e passas.
Sonhos (English version)
A little bit of history: This sweet "sonhos" - you can translate it literally as "dreams" because they are fluffy - originated in the convents in Madeira islands - Portugal, due to increased production and trade of sugar cane in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The sugar cane is harvested in the spring, the canes are crushed, the sugar is extracted, and subsequently we have the production of molasses - is like a black honey made of sugar- that is the "sauce" of this sweet.
A little bit of history: This sweet "sonhos" - you can translate it literally as "dreams" because they are fluffy - originated in the convents in Madeira islands - Portugal, due to increased production and trade of sugar cane in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The sugar cane is harvested in the spring, the canes are crushed, the sugar is extracted, and subsequently we have the production of molasses - is like a black honey made of sugar- that is the "sauce" of this sweet.
300 g all
purpose flour
50 g butter or
7 eggs
2,5 dl of milk
2,5 dl of water
1 lemon peel
Salt (just a
little bit)
Vegetable oil
Boil in a pot water, milk, the margarine or butter, the lemon peel and salt. Boil it for 1 minute and remove it from heat. Add the flour gradually and mix well. Put back on fire and mix it until the dough is not attached to the bottom. Allow to cool. Add one egg at a time, kneading well until the mixture is fluffy. In a frying pan, heat the oil and put one spoon (soup spoon) at the time in the frying pan. Leave the Sonhos slowly fry until they have a brown color. Put the fried sonhos in absorbent paper. Bon appetit enjoy!!
* Serve with Mel de Cana (Madeira)/ Molasses or sugar and cinnamon.
*In the beautiful city of Trieste- Italy there is a variety of sonhos / malassadas called "Fritelle" they are tiny and have little bits of apple, some are filled with Nutella and others have pinenuts and raisins.
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